minimalistic file sharing

How to Upload

Simply choose a file and click "Upload" below:

How to Upload, but Nerdier

You can upload files to this site via a simple HTTP POST, e.g. using curl:
curl -F "file=@/path/to/your/file.jpg"

Or if you want to pipe to curl *and* have a file extension, add a "filename":
echo "hello" | curl -F "file=@-;filename=.txt"

On Windows, you can use ShareX and import this uploader config. On Android, you can use Hupl with this uploader config.

File Sizes and Retention

The maximum allowed file size is 768 MiB. Files are kept for a minimum of 31, and a maximum of 730 days. How long a file is kept depends on its size. Larger files are deleted earlier than small ones. This relation is non-linear and skewed in favour of small files.

The exact formula for determining the maximum age for a file is:



Executable files may not be uploaded. This includes any files with the extensions exe, com and cmd, as well as files that we determine to be executables based on their contents.

All uploaded files are scanned for viruses and will be refused if malicious code is detected.

You may not upload content that infringes on the intellectual property rights or privacy of others, that promotes hate or discrimination, that harms children, or that is illegal in the United States of America. Those who abuse this policy will be mercilessly banninated. To read our full Terms of Service or to report abuse, see the contact email at the bottom of the page.


Modified from Rouji's excellent 0x0 clone, available on GitHub.

Contact / Legal

This service is operated by Six by Nine Online Services. Our full Terms of Service can be read at the link below.

If you want to report abuse of this service, or have any other inquiries, please write an email to sarah at 4d2 dot org or contact on Matrix.

Terms of Service

Return to 4d2 dot org

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